MPEG-H Audio System for SBTVD TV 3.0 Call for Proposals


  • Yannik Grewe Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
  • Adrian Murtaza
  • Stefan Meltzer

Palabras clave:

3D and immersive Audio, Accessibility, ATSC3.0, Audio Coding, Broadcast, Broadband, Emergency Warning System, Hybrid, Immersive Sound, MPEG-H Audio, Next Generation Audio, Object-based Audio, Broadcasting, Personalized Sound, SBTVD3.0, Streaming, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality


Under the name “TV 3.0 Project”, the Brazilian Terrestrial Television System Forum (SBTVD) has issued the Call for Proposals (CfP) for a next generation Brazilian digital TV system, in July 2020. The MPEG-H Audio system, based on the open international standard ISO/IEC 23008-3, has been proposed by Fraunhofer IIS, ATEME, the Digital Broadcasting Experts Group (DiBEG) and the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC). This paper provides an overview of the MPEG-H Audio system and the TV 3.0 Project requirements for the audio component. The TV 3.0 Project specifies a detailed test and evaluation procedure for verifying the fulfillment of the requirements. With wide industry support, the MPEG-H Audio system brings immersive sound, advanced interactivity, and accessibility options, as well as advanced features like hybrid delivery, consistent loudness after user interaction, connectivity options for external sound devices and seamless configuration changes. The MPEG-H Audio proponents have submitted a complete production and broadcast real-time chain to the SBTVD Forum which demonstrates the most advanced features.


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Cómo citar

Grewe, Y., Murtaza, A., & Meltzer, S. (2023). MPEG-H Audio System for SBTVD TV 3.0 Call for Proposals. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, 7. Recuperado a partir de



Advanced audio technology and processing